Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Craziest feeling

Sometimes I hate my beloved ones while loving at the same time, consciously.  I feel hatred is dirty form of love again!

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

The haters

No one ever wanted haters in life! But world is huge. Few people like us, a few judge us and some hate us out of jealousy. When you posses something they lack, you are gone. They start hating you. Start talking judgementally, discourage you, humiliate you, even take you to the top of the suffer mountain and kick you down from there. This kind of sick people always want you to be in their control. Now a days our activities must be satisfactory, not to ourselves but for others. World is in big threat of society.

No matter how far u go, sick people peck you like crows. All they want is to make you hurt again and again. Only thing they never knew is smart people still enjoy no matter what and they are still sick!!!!!!!

Thursday, 23 March 2017

This works out... :P

While pushy people has been goading beyond my endurance, I laugh out loud and throw a serious look at them. And then I feel happy for what I did :P

I do this for 'I don't know how to react situations' :P

Monday, 20 February 2017

Universal Fact

Some people naturally feels jealous of Ideal people. They always try to find faults in everything you speak and everything you do if you are an idle one or you have achieved something great.So, by avoiding unnecessary chats, being silent with a smile on your face is a great weapon to protect yourself from that kind.

-Pallavi Cool

Friday, 17 February 2017

Knowledge is all we need. Not properties!

God gives properties to those who are ignorant. Because for those who are blessed with knowledge do not need any properties other than that. when you are blessed with both knowledge and property, that means you are at the T intersection. one is being with pride for what you have and become an ignorant. The second one is being with obedience and gratitude to God for what he gave you and help the ignorants get the knowledge. It's up to you to choose a path and go ahead.

-Pallavi Cool

Monday, 23 January 2017

Ever Longing Love

I got fascinated by him, the first time I ever saw him.
I've been yearning for him since a long while.
I fancy him so much and cherish him every day.
I idolized him deeply, worshiped him in heart
He is such a treasure to me, I've been longing for him.
He is so attractive, charming and an imposing figure.
He is so cool, I spend hours looking at him.
Unfortunately the distance separated us.
He couldn't notice my love from that far.
I could see him but couldn't go near.
I could talk to him but he couldn't listen.
I could sing for him but never knew if he'd feel it.
He is none other than the prince of skies.
My dear moon, stay with me forever. I love you so much.

-Pallavi Cool

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Avoid Non-veg

There is an ample reason i avoided eating Non veg but the one fundamental reason that comes out of my mind is.. Animals and birds are just another living beings on this entity we live on. They should have equal rights to live their life time here.

And a secondary reason is that you will become indignant with intake of dead creatures. I ponder only soldiers should eat meat to be aggressive and hostile while protecting the country.

-Pallavi cool